AVL Dataset Convention#
Version 1.2 Draft, 2021-10-27
The purpose of this document is to define a convention how datasets generated by the AVL project should look like. The goal of the convention is to ease access to data, make it compliant to existing data standards, make it comprehensive and understandable, minimize the effort to ingest the data into users’ processing, visualisation, and analysis code. Short, the goal is to make AVL datasets analysis-ready. The intention is neither to invent any new data formats nor trying to establish new "standards". Instead, the AVL conventions solely build on existing, popular, well-established data formats and data standards. Due to the fundamental difference of gridded and vector datasets, we provide two separate conventions.
In this document, the verbs must, should, and may have a special meaning when used to describe conventions. A must is a mandatory requirement that must be fulfilled, should is optional but always recommended, and may is optional and recommended in cases (like good to have).
Gridded Dataset Conventions#
Data Model and Format#
The data model for AVL gridded datasets is a subset of the Unidata Common Data Model (CDM). The CDM has originally been established for NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) but is implemented also for the OPenDAP protocol and the HDF and Zarr formats. Other common gridded data models can be easily translated into the CDM, for example GeoTIFF.
AVL gridded datasets must fully comply to the Climate and Forecast Metadata Conventions, short CF Conventions. The following sections in this chapter describe how these conventions are tailored and applied to AVL datasets. By default, AVL gridded datasets are made available in the Zarr format v2 as this format is ideal for Cloud storage, e.g. Object Storage such as AWS S3 and can be easily converted to other formats such as NetCDF or TIFF. We consider the popular xarray Python package to be the primary in-memory representation for AVL gridded datasets. The xarray.Dataset data model represents a subset of the CDM, interprets CF compliant data correctly, and we will follow this simplified CDM model for AVL gridded datasets in both structure and terminology:
- A dataset is a container for variables. A dataset has metadata in form of a key-value mapping (global attributes).
- A variable has N dimensions in a prescribed order, and each dimension has a name and a size. A variable contains the actual gridded data in form of an N-D data array that has the shape of the dimension sizes. For AVL, the data type of the array should be numeric, however also text strings and complex types are allowed. A variable has metadata in form of a key-value mapping (variable attributes). There are two types of variables, coordinates and data variables.
- Coordinates usually contain the labels for a dimension. For example,
the coordinate
has a 1-D array that contains 3600 longitude values for the dimensionlon
of size 3600. However, coordinates may also be 2-D. For example. a dataset using satellite geometry may provide itslon
coordinate as a 2-D array for the dimensionsx
(for which should exists coordinates too). - All variables that are not coordinates are data variables.
They provide the actual dataset’s data. For each of the dimensions used by a
data variable, a corresponding coordinate must exist. For example, for a
data variable
with dimensionstime
, the coordinatestime
must exist too.
Global and variable metadata shall follow the recommendations of the ESIP Attribute Convention for Data Discovery v1.3. If other metadata attributes are used, they should be covered by the CF Conventions v1.8.
Spatial Reference#
The spatial dimensions of a data variable must be the innermost dimensions,
namely y
, x
- in this order. If the coordinate reference system (CRS)
is geographic (e.g. CRS is EPGS:4326
, WGS84
or CRS84
) it is ok and common
to use dimensions lat
, lon
- in this order.
Regular grid mappings#
If the spatial grid mapping is regular, the spatial dimensions should
have corresponding 1-D coordinate variables using the same name. That is,
datasets with spatial dimensions x
, y
should provide the 1-D coordinate
variables x
and y
. Spatial coordinates must follow the
CF Conventions on Coordinates.
The 1-D coordinates of regular grids should have a uniform spacing, i.e. there should be a unique linear mapping between coordinate values and the spatial image grid. This implies strictly monotonically increasing or decreasing coordinate values. Ideally, the spacing should also be the same in the x and y directions.
If the coordinate variables and their 1-D dimensions are named lon
and lat
this implies a geographic coordinate reference system.
If the coordinate variables and their 1-D dimensions are named x
and y
this indicates either a geographic or projected CRS, indicated by the
CRS encoding described in the CF Conventions on Grid Mapping. This
requires adding an extra variable named crs
or spatial_ref
to the datasets
and refer to it using the grid_mapping
attribute in the global attributes
or the attributes of data variables.
For non-geographic, projected grids, if space is not a problem, is it a
common practice to also add 2-D geographic coordinate variables lat
and lon
(WGS-84 implied) both having the dimensions y
, x
- in this order.
See also CF Conventions on 2-D Lat and Lon.
Irregular grid mappings#
For irregular grids, the only spatial reference is provided by 2-D coordinate
variables lat
and lon
(WGS-84 implied) both having the dimensions
, x
- in this order. A typical use case is a dataset where images are
provided in satellite viewing geometry.
See also CF Conventions on 2-D Lat and Lon.
Temporal Reference#
The temporal dimension of a data variables should be named time
. It should be
the variable’s outermost dimension. A corresponding coordinate named time
must exists and the CF Conventions on the Time Coordinate must be applied.
For datasets generated within AVL, it is recommended to use the unit
seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00
Data variables may contain other dimensions in between the temporal dimension
and the spatial dimensions, i.e. a variable’s dimensions may be
, …,lat
, lon
(geographic CRS), or time
, …, y
, x
(non-geographic CRS) – both in exactly this order, where the ellipsis … refers
to such extra dimensions. If there is a requirement to store individual time
stamps per pixel value, this could still be done by adding a variable to the
dataset which would then be e.g. pixel_time
with dimensions
, lat
, and lon
Encoding of Units#
All variables that represent quantities must set the attribute
according to the CF Convention on Units.
Even if the quantity is dimensionless, the units
attribute must be set
to indicate its dimensionless-ness by using the value "1"
Encoding of Flags#
For data variables that are encoded as flags using named bits or bit masks/ranges, we strictly follow the CF Convention on Flags.
Missing Values#
According to the CF Convention on Missing Data, missing data should be
indicated by the variable attribute _FillValue
However, Zarr does not define or interpret (decode) array attributes at all.
The Zarr equivalent of the CF attribute _FillValue
is the array property
(not an attribute). fill_value
can and should be set for all
data types including integers, also because it is given in raw units,
that is, before scaling_factor
and add_offset
are applied (by xarray).
Zarr’s fill_value
has the advantage that data array chunks comprising
only fill_value
values can and should be dropped entirely. This can reduce
number of chunks dramatically and improve data access performance a lot for
many no-data chunks. In our case we should use fill_value
to indicate
that a data cube’s grid cell does not contain a value at all,
it does not exist, it does not make sense, it had no input, etc.
However, when reading a Zarr with Python xarray using decode_cf=True
(the new default), then xarray will also encode variable attribute
and missing_value
and mask the data accordingly. It will
unfortunately ignore valid_min
, valid_max
, valid_range
Missing values shall therefore be indicated by the Zarr array property
. In addition valid_min
, valid_max
, valid_range
variable attributes may be given, but they will not be decoded. However,
applications might still find them useful, e.g. xcube Viewer uses them,
if provided as value range for mapping color bars.
Scale/Offset Values#
Scale and offset encoding of bands / variables follows the
CF Convention on Packed Data. In practice, affected variables must have
attributes scaling_factor
(default is 1) and add_offset
(with default 0).
Multi-Band Products#
Individual bands of a dataset should be stored as variables. This is also the
case for multi-band products, like Sentinel-2, where each wavelength will be
represented by a separate variable, B01
, B02
, etc.
Metadata Consolidation#
AVL datasets should provide consolidated dataset metadata in their root directories. This allows reading the metadata of datasets with many variables more efficiently, especially when data is stored in Object Storage and every metadata file would need to fetched via an individual HTTP request.
The consolidated metadata file should be named .zmetadata
which is also the default name used by the Zarr format.
The format of the consolidated metadata must be JSON. It is a JSON object using the following structure:
"zarr_consolidated_format": 1,
"metadata": {
".zattrs": {…},
".zgroup": {…},
"band_1/.zarray": {…},
"band_1/.zattrs": {…},
"band_2/.zarray": {…},
"band_2/.zattrs": {…},
Zip Archives#
AVL Zarr datasets may be provided as Zip archives. Such Zip archives
should contain the contents of the archived Zarr directory in their root.
In other words, the keys of the entries in such an archive should not
have a common prefix as is often the case when directories are zipped
for convenience. The name of a zipped Zarr dataset should be the original
Zarr dataset name plus the .zip
extension. For example:
Zipping the Zarrs this way allows opening the Zarr datasets directly from the
Zip, e.g. for xarray this is xarray.open_zarr("./dataset.zarr.zip")
Dataset Examples#
- Global WGS-84: dataset_global.zarr.zip
- Projected CRS: dataset_utm33n.zarr.zip
Dataset convention changelog#
Version 1.2 (27.10.2021)#
- Added convention section about consolidation of metadata.
- Added convention section about Zip archives.